“I love a Jersey Cow. I suppose it’s their eyes that make me love them………”
Meet Emily, our Beautiful 38'' Miniature Jersey Cow
We grabbed this shot of Emily right after she arrived to her new home at
Southern Touch Farm
We grabbed this shot of Emily right after she arrived to her new home at
Southern Touch Farm
in December of 2009
She was one of our early Christmas gifts that year!
She was one of our early Christmas gifts that year!
We would like to share with you a little bit of history and statistical information about the Miniature Jersey Breed:
These little Jersey cows have a delightful history. They are descendants of the original Jersey cows imported from the Jersey Islands off the British coast in the early 1850's by John A. Tainter. The Miniature Jersey is not a bred of cow that has been scaled down from the more commonly recognized standard breed as some may believe. It was not until after World War II that there was a decline in the number of small Jersey cows raised in the United States because it is at that time that the larger standard Jersey's we know today began to be developed. It is our understanding that these little jersey cows were the breed of dairy cow that traveled tied to the back of covered wagons during the 1860 westward movement in the United States.
Some of the characteristics of the Miniature Jersey cow that we appreciate is that it is known for it's docile and easy to manage nature. Their coat color will be a fawn to dark fawn and some might even have white splashes as does our Emily. These delightful little cows usually range in height between 38 to 42 inches measured at the hip. Therefore, they require less acreage, less feed and hay, less fencing and less barn space. They are known for their production of rich, high butterfat milk at a yield of between 2 to 4 gallons per day. Their weight will range between 600 to 650 pounds for the cows and approximately 800 pounds for a bull. Calving is easy as the newborns will weigh 10 - 20 pounds at birth. Not only does their size make their care much easier but they naturally produce a more favorable amount of milk for a single family as well as a smaller carcass at butchering time.
In our country today we note there are many people returning to the concept of small acreage homestead family farms where they can produce some of their own food that is free of antibiotics, pesticide and other products that have made their way into our modern food chain. The time and need for smaller livestock has returned and we believe the Miniature Jersey cow is the perfect choice. The Miniature Jersey dairy cow is currently considered to be a rare breed. We are privileged and excited to be take part in owning, raising, preserving and restoring this wonderful breed!
Emily in early Summer 2010 |
I heard my sweet momma say these words more than once in my life. I had many years of hearing the stories from my momma’s childhood. Some were of when she and her brothers and sisters were responsible for the chores of milking the cow, tending the chickens, and other events from the days of the depression. I would listen and try to imagine what it might have been like to live during those times.
In later years, I remember Momma going to “get fresh cow’s milk” and how much she enjoyed the raw milk and buttermilk “every once in a while.”
Otherwise, I don’t remember that Momma ever drank milk.

Otherwise, I don’t remember that Momma ever drank milk.
Emily's Second Born Calf 2011
Of course, we have been praying for a heifer calf to be born and GOD has answered prayers!! Ellie's sire is Riverview Farms Son of Fat Louie (39 inches tall). We so much appreciate our friend, Bob R., for his expert help in the AI of Emily!! GOD is so good!!! What a darling little heifer she is!!!
(Ellie of Southern Touch Farm)
In 2010, at 23 months old, Emily presented us with a very handsome little bull calf that measured 17 inches in height. He is now living with our farrier who will use him to produce F1 Mini Jersey cattle.